“We come after a time that wanted to cut all ties to invent a new man. We come after the end of utopia and we explore in our films what is left of imagination and reflection, as well as how men can communicate and relate to each other when separated in time by centuries.
Throughout our films, even when it is not the primary issue, the theme of transmission gradually appears…
The notion of history is essential to us and we say we do documented fictions. They are fictions because we make cinema first. We work both on the sensory and perceptive potential of the picture and on the drama of the story. They are documented because we listen to these men and these situations where our environment is taking shape.
The Effa Productions were born eight years ago from the wish to be able to talk about architecture, the city, the territory, the landscape, town planning and construction in a different way.
We tell the stories that men leave behind them in the physical space. We find that space first refers to the body.
The society is managed by Louis Mary, lawyer, and animated by Françoise Arnold, film maker, journalist, and architect, with the held of Naoïelle Benhamadi for organization and media.